Monday, 31 January 2011

MoE Diversity

In the last 2 years this blog has generated considerable dialogue with interested parties from around the world.
Including many from the UK, ongoing correspondence with colleagues from the U.S., New Zealand, Netherlands, Canada, Ireland and Singapore has created a valued source, and resource for ongoing learning in MoE.
I work with an increasingly diverse group of colleagues and students from around the world who all draw on a rich diversity of education experiences, from private tuition to open air classrooms with few trained teachers.
I guess each student will take something from MoE and shape it into the valuable learning they want to create in future.
Further,this blog has generated contact with colleagues from around the world that has shaped my thinking, and in turn opened potential further avenues of learning for my students.
However, with huge changes about to be thrust upon all of us in education, I just hope the impetus for new learning will not become submerged in a narrow agenda of curriculum scaling down.
I sense the change already in meetings and in the far away looks I sometimes receive when it is my turn to summarise the learning my students achieve through using MoE.
I get such terrific and supportive comments from correspondents to this blog.
At present I can, and do, respond in a similar vein.
But for how much longer?