I digress.
The plodding, methodical, predictability of some of my colleagues, beggars belief.
We create a maze of methodology and then criticise the masters of spin.
I have previously asked if anyone was interested in creating a Dorothy translation. I had several interesting responses. Some of which I intend to use in my retirement speech!
I am rarely, no that is not true, I am always, astounded by some of the the utterances that are made in meetings. I assume that my colleagues are not trying to make me feel inadequate on purpose. Ha, ha.
In fact, they have entered into a field of competition I find difficult to recognise from my earlier years in education.
Undermined and undervalued are common views I now hear from younger colleagues who would willingly change their career route if there were alternatives available. Unfortunately in our current recession these do not exist.
Lessons are being learnt and not all of them are positive.
Current MoE work with students has been focused on issues way beyond my experience of, oh lets say, 20 years ago. Kuwait, Bosnia and now...well let's be honest it's a pretty long list.
I do my best to keep up.
Nowadays it seems that is all I can do.
My students are brilliant.