Saturday, 11 June 2011

Not only do I have an idea but I have a plan...

Averages...don't get me started.
MoE has always had a reputation for obscure...wordism.
Innovation is one thing but vague word use is another.
Andy Kempe, it seems to me, has always had his suspicions!!

A good idea here does not work there.

The most frequent comment, always, relates not to content, not to delivery, but always to attitude towards learning [ AtL - behaviour].
Get your policies wrong on this...

A visit today to a well meaning but ultimately badly positioned centre of learning, showed me that jumbled thinking continues to blight the futures of many of our young people.
You work with what you have got.
Miracles are exactly that!

C21st. thinking to solve C19th. problems!!
Possibly...however; future thinking is being blighted by narrow thinking towards the creativity of.. well Dorothy for example.
So, it seems to me, no matter how hard Luke, Ken, Maria try to promote MoE my students will [unfortunately] reject this approach to valued learning for all as a mere postscript on their educational route.
Please tell me I am wrong.
For all the promotion. For all the meetings. I still haven't heard MoE mentioned since my last assessment with my students.
They are planning their learning in line with progressive thinking.
I just haven't the heart, at the moment, to assist them with an understanding of the reality of...who knows?