You spend your life in academia. You write papers and books, attend conferences, give keynote speeches, become a reader, maybe even a professor.
Having gained a reputation for your subject knowledge, your university, yourself, you are then told to retire.
What do you do?
You get an 'agent', maybe somebody who has studied in your department or even a friend.
They then help you create a new career after university.
It could be Environmental Ecology, English History or Mantle of The Expert.
You need to update a little sure; a new idea possibly, even introduce new 'enterprises' to your 'clients', just remember to stay one step ahead of any competition, because your future depends on it.
Oh... and just hope that your new audience has no, in depth, understanding of your previous academic life.
You must then try to remain relevant, so that your ideas will then dominate current thinking in your subject area. This should then render all other attempts to move ideas forward redundant.
Years later like, for example, Slade, Way, Byron, Bolton, O'Neill, Neelands, Kempe you will be placed, eventually [ nowadays metaphorically ], on the university library shelf. Useful references for Drama in Education modules on English, Media Studies or Theatre courses.
Useful concepts in Education remain useful. Trust me.
Dorothy made a shrewd selection from a broad range of ideas worked over 30+ years in academia.
Like my students tell me, they always work better and feel sharper when being observed. Not when alone with a class.
MoE is a first class performance idea for all concerned but not the only one.